The Queen of Whiskers, Cricket, is a petite Tux kitten who was born to a feral cat after we caught her to get her spayed... and we are so happy she was born because we LOVE her. We were shocked to find out Tomatoe Basil- her mom -was pregnant as she was a very small adult cat, and gave birth while we were waiting for an appointment.....SURPRISE!! We felt fortunate to save all the little lives from living the hard life on the street and fortunately she never had to face the hardships. She was one of 4, and unlike her siblings, she is rather small, like 1/2 their size. When she was born we thought she was still born but were able to warm her up quickly and get her moving...phew. She was definitely the runt of the littler and that makes her that much more special. Cricket has grown up to be a sweet little creature who gets along with other cats, uses the litter box and is such a fun " little " kitten.